Crafters Gin 43% 700ml
Estonia is a country located in Northern Europe and is rich in pure nature and genuine people. This tiny country on the shores of the Baltic sea is going for the title of most organic country ? plenty of fresh air, forests, land and sea. Estonian people are known for their smart, simple and scalable solutions. Everything is driven by passion and this has also played a big part in creation of Crafter?s London Dry Gin.
Estonian grain and handpicked herbs from Kubja ?rditalu provide depth of flavour. Liviko?s master distillers? long term experience, carefully selected herbs and the perfectly balanced recipe no. 23 add up to a unique gin experience. In Liviko we began distilling herbal essences in the early 20th century. The same copper pot still from the last century is used today to produce Crafter?s London Dry Gin.
Earlier generations of Liviko gin masters have passed on their skills and secrets, ensuring that our gin is truly exceptional. To create a truly remarkable gin, we searched Estonia for unique herbs. Veronica, picked at just the right time from Kubja ?rditalu, gives the gin a floral flavour, and fennel seeds add a spicy undertone. It results in an exceptional gin, which is perfect for cocktails, because it also lets other ingredients shine.
Crafter?s London Dry Gin belongs to the wonderful world of fresh artisanal gins. Fresh in its very own distinctive way. The show starts with citrusy juniper and is followed by fennel herbal magic and floral softness by veronica.