Plantation Black Cask 40% 700ml
The Black Cask Plantation Rum is a liquid work of art, born from the union of two exquisite rum cultures. Each drop tells a story of passion and tradition, beginning with meticulous distillation in Barbados and Venezuela. Imagine the journey of the rums, maturing first in white oak barrels, then traveling to the South-West of France for a second maturation in toasted barrels. This method imparts delicate smoky nuances to the rum, perfectly complementing the notes of ripe fruit and sweet spices. It's more than a rum, it's an invitation to an unforgettable sensory journey. Savor every sip, a perfect blend of complexity and refinement.
Aroma: Intense and fresh with honey notes, aromas of cooked bananas, citrus and vanilla. Nutty facets of coconut, almonds and a hint of coffee follow after
Taste: Balanced, fruity with accents of caramel, plums and pear followed by vanilla sauce and nutmeg.
Finish: Long and pleasantly sweet with banana notes, lemon zest, cooked apples, tonka beans, caramel and accents of cinnamon towards the end.
Enjoy it neat or in a cocktail.