Kavalan Taiwan Gin 40% 700ml
After 10 years of making whisky, Kavalan master blender Ian Chang wanted to try his hand at creating a gin. Staying true to the standard botanicals of juniper, aniseed and coriander, Chang also included a taste of Yilan?Kavalan's home? with kumquat peel, dried star fruit and red-flesh guava botanical extracts. The gin is double charcoal-filtered, triple distilled and bottled at 40% ABV.
Kavalan Gin opens up on very nutty and rooty notes, with angelica, almond, hazelnut paste, before juniper and aniseed get any say. It is chocolate-y almost. The palate makes way for a whisper of vanilla and honeysuckle, and it is slightly resinous with notes of kumquat and other citrus